You may fill out the form or submit your complaints or queries to the Drainage Division at the information below.
(246) 536-0059
Flooding can impact the public emotionally, financially, and physically. It can even threaten the safety of people and communities.
With climate change contributing to the increased frequency and intensity of rainfall, the Drainage Division is actively implementing strategies such as reduction, mitigation, control, and redistribution of flood risk, to address the impact of stormwater runoff.
Assessing drainage plans for new developments from the Planning and Development Department
Cleaning of watercourses, ponds, drains, stormwater wells, catchments, and any other stormwater related infrastructure
Clearing of outfalls especially before significant rainfall events such as hurricanes
Constructing and maintaining stormwater wells along public roads and in drainage reserves
Constructing and reconstructing stormwater infrastructure
Investigating complaints about flooding or infrastructure that needs cleaning or repairs
Responding before, during, or/and after rainfall events and natural disasters
You may fill out the form or submit your complaints or queries to the Drainage Division at the information below.
(246) 536-0059
To report flooding in your community, drains and watercourses in need of clearing, or stormwater wells in need of cleaning or repair, contact the Drainage Division at 536-0059 or email, or submit your complaint to the Information Unit via email at or directly message our Facebook or Instagram @mtwbarbados
Temporary address:
2nd Floor
The Goddard Building
Haggatt Hall
St. Michael
Bridgetown, Barbados
PBX: 246-536-0000
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